By Mitali Paul on Monday, 06 January 2020
Category: Uncategorized

Decoding Executive Presence

Have you sat by the sidelines and observed someone walk into the room and their presence just fills the atmosphere? Have you been at a meeting where once someone starts speaking everyone in the room is drawn towards them in silence? Have you watched someone on video and still felt their charisma come through? Chances are you have experienced their “executive presence”. As leaders, executive presence is an important attribute to cultivate especially as you advance in your careers and aim for coveted roles. Leaders are constantly selling their ideas and getting buy-in from their audiences, and those with executive presence can get that done with a lot more ease than others. The common misconception is that you either have it or you don’t. The good news is that while some people may be more gifted in this area executive presence can be developed. It needs self-awareness, emotional regulation, openness to constructive criticism, and with some practice you could be awe-inspiring too!

Sylvia Ann Hewlett, the founder and CEO of the Center for Talent Innovation and author of Executive Presence, defines executive presence as how one acts (gravitas), speaks (communication) and looks (appearance). So, let’s break that down into characteristics.




Leadership success largely depends on how willingly people want to “follow” you and cultivating a strong executive presence is imperative. You will see how easy decision-making becomes when you are able to effortlessly affect change with your executive presence.

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